
InventorCAM 2017 SP2 x64


InventorCAM 2017特别版安装破解过程比较复杂哦:

 1. 安装InventorCAM 2017 SP0 64bit

1.1. 运行"IVCAM2017_SPO_English_x64_IV.exe"  "Localizations"里有各种语言

1.2. 安装InventorCAM 2017 SP0 64bit. 选"USB Hardware key"

1.3. 解压你要的localization到(默认在 C:\Program Files\InventorCAM2017\)覆盖

 2. Multikey 18.1.0 64-bit Emulator 安装

如果你有 Multikey 18.1.0 64-bit Emulator for SolidCAM  就忽略跳过 Emulator setup, 升级你的SC2017 to SP1运行

要安装 Multikey Emulator 要右键管理费身份运行!

2.1. Uninstall previouse USB-emulatot for SolidCAM 64-bit if exist

2.2. 拷贝文件夹 "MultiKey_18.1_x64_31052017" to your computer

2.3. 以管理员身份运行 MultiKey_18.1_x64\install.cmd and wait until new devises and dr>

ives for them will be found and installed

2.4. Reboot computer

Note: If setup is succesfull you have to see new devices:

Device Manager -> Universal Serial Bus controllers -> SafNet inc. HASP key
Device Manager -> Universal Serial Bus controllers -> SafNet inc. USB key